Rapid City, SD | Sioux Falls, SD | Bismarck, ND


Rapid City, SD | Sioux Falls, SD | Bismarck, ND

WebCTRL® Building Automation System

Thermostat Guard


The Automated Logic Thermostat Protector prevents tampering, physical damage, and unauthorized adjustment of thermostats.

Voltage Converter


The Voltage Converter is a cost-effective way of converting 24 VAC or VDC to 5, 12, 15, or 24 VDC for use on peripheral devices that require DC voltage.

Wall Plate Temperature Sensor


All Stainless Steel Wall Plates feature 1/4” closed cell, medical-grade foam backing which covers the plate and insulates it from wall temperature.

Water Leak Detector


The Automated Logic Water Leak Detector is designed to sense the presence of water and alert a central monitoring system of the potentially destructive situation.

Zone Pressure Pickup Ports


Automated Logic wall pressure pickup port comes standard on a brushed stainless steel plate sized to fit a common 2” x 4” electrical box.

BACnet Secure Connect


Connected systems offer powerful advantages but also come with additional security concerns. Our BACnet Secure Connect solutions encrypt network communications, giving customers greater peace of mind that their building automation networks are protected against cyberthreats.

WebCTRL Software


WebCTRL’s web-based software is the “single pane of glass” that allows facilities staff to manage all of their building systems, including heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, safety, security, and much more – from anywhere at any time.

ACxelerate™ Commissioning Tool


The ACxelerate auto-commissioning add-on is used to commission single-duct, dual duct, and fan-powered (series and parallel) VAV terminal unit dampers and reheat valves.

EquipmentBuilder Programming Tool


EquipmentBuilder allows engineers to build a control sequence by answering questions about the equipment and application. Then, by using simple drop-down menus, the engineer can generate a control program, graphic, sequence of operation, point list, and schematic.

EIKON® Graphical Programming Tool


Use the EIKON® graphical programming tool to create control programs to control equipment, from single pieces of equipment to complex energy management functions.

ViewBuilder Graphics Tool


ViewBuilder is the tool used to create graphic pages for the WebCTRL building automation system. Building operators use these pages to monitor and control their building automation system. ViewBuilder comes with a graphics library for common applications or you can create your own from scratch.

CTRLSpecBuilder® Specification Tool


As part of its ongoing commitment to the engineering community, Automated Logic Corporation (ALC), created the CTRLSpecBuilder® specification tool. Since its debut in 2003, the CTRLSpecBuilder tool has been accessed by thousands of registered users from over 50 countries and has been used to create over 35,000 specifications.